Anna Jelen
Jul 13, 2023
Are we born with a talent?
Do you think we are all born with a talent?
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Anna Jelen
May 8, 2023
The "just do it" attitude for a better life
Enjoy this new episode about a special attitude called "Just Do it!"
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Anna Jelen
Apr 17, 2023
New Podcast Episode: Do we live in a toxic society?
My dear listener, I am so happy to announce, that I am back with my weekly Podcast episodes! EVERY MONDAY there will be a new episode....
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Anna Jelen
Feb 27, 2022
How do I manage distractions?
It took me a few years to get rid of plenty distractions, but today I'm in a good place and have some ideas to share with you.
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Anna Jelen
Feb 25, 2022
How did you find your devotion?
Today I share this one question with you which might lead you a bit closer to your devotion.
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Anna Jelen
Feb 24, 2022
What I do when there is too much to do.
I have an internal reaction, when I’m sliding into a situation where you look at your to do list and you think: hmmm…that’s a lot.
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Anna Jelen
Feb 23, 2022
My morning rituals.
"What needs my attention this morning? My body or my mind?" That's the question I ask myself every morning when I get up.
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Anna Jelen
Feb 22, 2022
Let's talk about minimalism.
I remember one of my best friends saying: "You practice minimalism." And I had no idea what he was talking about. It seems as if I have...
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Anna Jelen
Jan 1, 2022
12 LESSONS LEARNED - Lesson No. 1: about friendship
It’s about 12 lessons learned in 2021. I reflect on topics like friendship, the darkness experience, about saying no, winning and losing.
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Anna Jelen
Dec 31, 2021
12 LESSONS LEARNED - Lesson No. 2: my darkness experience
Today, it’s about what I have learned in February 2021, where I attended my darkness retreat.
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Anna Jelen
Dec 29, 2021
12 LESSONS LEARNED - Lesson No. 4: mouth taping
Today, it’s about a special sleep habit: to tape your mouth so that you breath through your nose during sleep.
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Anna Jelen
Dec 27, 2021
12 LESSONS LEARNED - Lesson No. 6: no promises
Hi, I’m Anna and I don’t make promises, because I’m afraid I could break them. And somehow it just does not feel good to say: “I promise.”
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Anna Jelen
Dec 26, 2021
12 LESSONS LEARNED - Lesson No. 7: don't do what others Expect you to do
I’m here with the lesson learned, number 7, which is about breaking the concept of doing things that others expect you to do.
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Anna Jelen
Dec 25, 2021
12 LESSONS LEARNED - Lesson No. 8: about winning & losing
Hi, I’m Anna, and I’m here with maybe the most important lesson I have learned so far.
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Anna Jelen
Dec 23, 2021
12 LESSONS LEARNED - Lesson No. 10: titles and identity
That’s when I started to work on this topic and today I publish this lesson learned about titles and identity.
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Anna Jelen
Dec 22, 2021
12 LESSONS LEARNED - Lessons No. 11: smartphone management
I love all the advantages of the internet, apps and smartphones. One of them is, to be connected with you guys. But I have quite a severe...
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Anna Jelen
Dec 21, 2021
12 LESSONS LEARNED - Lesson No. 12: hello life!
This episode is about life. It’s about understanding, that you are greater than you think you are. You are part of something big.
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Anna Jelen
Nov 29, 2021
A little outtake: Let me ask you: Why does it feel wrong to share a post or an article saying: “I’m sad today.” Why are we afraid to...
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Anna Jelen
Nov 4, 2021
HAVE A GOOD DAY PROGRAM: a) Introduction
HAVE A GOOD DAY PROGRAM: a) Introduction
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Anna Jelen
Nov 3, 2021
HAVE A GOOD DAY PROGRAM: b) Morning Rituals
HAVE A GOOD DAY PROGRAM: b) Morning Rituals
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