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Anna Jelen's Podcast

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In just 13 minutes I will talk about the misunderstandings of the meaning of life and how I finally found ways to „find“ it.

A little outtake: “There is this one big question. The question many of us fear and all different sorts of reactions have been monitored: people starting to tremble, others falling into the well of thoughts, some even throwing up, just by hearing this one question. Which is: „What’s the meaning of life?“ How is your reaction? Do you know, that I felt guilty for years when I came across this question and it also took me a long time to finally be in peace with it? It started in school, as a teenager, when our teacher told us, that we find the meaning of life by asking the question: “ What do I care about?“ Dear me. My mind was searching nervously for an answer. Suddenly it was my turn: “What’s the meaning in life Anna?” I looked at him with questioning fearful eyes saying: „to enjoy life, maybe?“ He laughed and told us, that it is more than that. I went home, thought about it, but never came up with an answer for myself, more than: to enjoy life. But yes, I felt guilty. Because now I believed, that the „meaning of life“ always has to be a contribution to something bigger.”

How did I find peace with this question? Listen to all of it and enjoy hopefully a meaningful episode. 😉 Take care and be safe. AnnA

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GLASS HALF FULL - an interview of Steve Twynham with me

Last week I was interviewed by Steve Twynham from Inspire Radio. A great channel, with lovely hosts and top music! It’s a wide range of conversation and it was fun. I told him how I was born with a fascination for the topic time. And I tell a few personal anecdotes from my life. And why I believe that we need to disconnect as much as possible.

“I disconnect as much as possible.

I have firm limitation access to my mails, to the internet and my phone. It’s a considerable effort to break all the blockers I have installed everywhere. I can turn off the phone for days – knowing that I will not be reachable even for clients and they might get annoyed, but often I have to say, they are impressed because they would also love to do it. I do, and my business is still running.”

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Do you know what makes me happy?

To be alive. That’s where my happiness begins and I don’t feel guilty anymore, feeling happy even in difficult times.

This is a little insight to my life philosophy, where I tell you about two attitudes that have always supported me.

A little outtake:

“Once, as a teenager, I was in a group with other people, and I remember that they weren’t happy. But I was. But I did not want to stand out. And I almost felt guilty about feeling good. So it was easier to say; yeah, it’s so shitty right now. A few days ago I heard, for the second time this week, someone saying, almost whispering into my ear: “Just between us, but I’m doing great, but one can not say so during a pandemic, can we?” Yes, we can and we should! If you are happy right now, remind others, that it is still possible to feel good. Life is too short to feel guilty about feeling good.“

Enjoy this episode about being alive. Until next week in your ear. Take care, AnnA

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